We uncomplicate
RevOps Science® with BOOM®

spark Your b2B startup's first $10M.

This is BOOM®

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BOOM® 4 Steps to Ignite Revenue


BOOM® is RevOps 2.0. It makes your data work harder for you because um, it’s yours. It ignites data, performance, and process to streamline and unify your entire ecosystem, not just sales and marketing. The outcome is a booming B2B startup that’s laser-focused on sweet, green REVENUE.

Hear from the B2B startups We ignite

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Our startups ignite economies​

Kinetic Clarity Logo
Gross revenue in year one
0 X
Increase in awareness
0 %
Pipeline Equity Logo
Increase in lead generation
0 %

Step 1: Begin - The Spark

We Partner to Understand Your Goals + Reveal Your Opportunities.

BEGIN improves revenue outcomes with deep curiosity and focused research. We want to slow down to GROW FAST. We do this to understand what makes your B2B startup BOLDBOLD = someone or something that is Brave, Original, Limitless, or Diverse.

We lean into your superpowers with an Internal/External Listening Tour We conduct interviews across your team in order to collect qualitative data and get the party started!.  You’ll share how you do things, revenue targets, opportunities, blind spots, secret weapons, and moonshots.  We deliver a “you are here” RevOps AuditWe conduct a study of your existing RevOps structure to collect quantitative data and shake the apples outta the tree. The goal of this audit is to prioritize and frame your current business processes and tools.  , so our future selves can look back and make a toast to your progress!

The purpose of all our snooping is to deliver your very first Revenue Health ReportOur feedback loop on the status (soon to be PROGRESS) of your growth milestonesto scorch inefficiencies.  Ta*Da!

Now, If either of us finds some gold nuggets during our little date with data, we flex a quick Power Hours ProjectWhen revenue exposure opportunities arise that are outside of scope, either recommended or requested, we will plot out the timeline, purpose, and goal of short-focus projects and evaluate priority level. In this way, we can decide as partners where to focus. to move in place.  What we really want to do is put science in motion for your revenue growth.  We have the blueprint for that: The Revenue Growth Formula®, our RevOps Science framework.

BEGIN'S GOAL: Discover!

Step 2: Operate - The Flame

We Partner to Defend Your Priorities + Optimize Your Outcomes.

OPERATE fuels short-term wins and long-term gains for your revenue operation. Data drives the build-out of your go-to market plan made of 5 Revenue Pillars Awareness, Engagement, Enablement, Land and Expand.. Each Revenue PillarThis represents a ladder of KPIs that lead to your OKR at each revenue center. is mapped to your Growth ChampThe internal human(s) on your team who leads this function. We enable each other, swap insight, and make sure we win! It’s like our buddy system., Parallel Growth Plans® Our dual-track approach tracks both short and long-term progress within each revenue function by laddering growth Key Performance Indicators (KPIS) up to your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)., Growth Focus Metric Your OKRs., Growth Indicator Metric The KPI that ladders up most closely to your Growth Focus., and Growth Opportunity % Tracks how long we have to go to close the gap between where we are now and your Growth Focus.

Data literally COMMANDS revenue to grow at each business unit, reveals what function needs support, how to support them, what’s affecting growth, and the timeline to ignite your revenue. This informs how we develop and launch organic Leading with organic media vs paid media defends your brand authority and dollars by confirming what/why/where your buyers convert before throwing money on expensive hunches. Trust us, don’t go there. media.

Your customer’s behavior leaves us with the data breadcrumbs we need to improve in place. If opportunity calls we respond with paid campaign sprints to get rapid results. Growth comes in quick bursts for lead generation Lead generation is a vanity metric. Sorry! A sexy volume of leads doesn’t equal revenue. Leads are a critical growth indicator, yes. However, sometimes lead generation can be used strictly to amp up control data and improve audience and channel targeting. Don’t believe the hype! and sales versus slow burns like brand resonance and product mapping A successful upsell or additional offer in your lineup is the result of carefully examined data that comes from your biggest fans (customers) as they journey through your Revenue Growth Formula. Product/Service feedback and customer feedback not only improve lead quality but also customer lifetime value. . The Revenue Growth Formula® powers short work on the clock and deep work on the calendar. Mic drop…


Data unlocks opportunities. Performance reveals priorities. Process defends focus.
(see the case study)

3: Obviate - The Fire

We Partner to Launch Your Ads + Shield Your Growth Pattern.

OBVIATE amplifies growth velocity with the addition of paid ad campaigns into your media mix. Past performance insight unlocks best-in-class content, offer, product position, and channel.

We look for behavioral trends with your actual customers. Creativity and experimentation have their place, just not with your ad spend. Customer data shields your ad budget from the start for paid campaigns with a boom. Knowing how and when to adjust customer volume is critical to your longevity. 

You don’t get a second chance at a first impression with B2B buyers. We always be testin’ to confirm if we’re scaling at peak performance.


4: Maximize - The Heat

We Partner to Report Your Progress + Improve Your Options.

MAXIMIZE pumps project management, and defends your creative vision. We deliver “cut to the chase” checkpoints on your growth progress. This is your Revenue Health Report®, or RHR.

The RHR is backed by science, of course, but that’s no match for your deep expertise. Challenge us with your innovation and shock us with your latest moonshot. We prep for the unexpected whether they come from insight or data with Power Hours.

Your voice matters. We keep communication fluid on chat, tight on email, and serious on North Star Meetings Our 30 min biweekly project management sprints are inspired by Traction(R). This is where we unpack to-dos, accountabilities, timelines, deliverables, and opportunities to keep the fire burnin’.. We don’t do ties though, nope. No ties.



Take your first BOLD step towards $10M ARR.

Ready to Unlock Your potential for Revenue Growth ?

Revenue Readiness Pilot Logo version 2

Ignite your revenue with the BOOM one-pager that distills the raw juice of growth into four hardcore steps: Begin, Operate, Obviate, and Maximize.