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How A Solid Digital Brand Drives Sales
How A Solid Digital Brand Drives Sales

The ultimate goal of any business is to sell more products or services.

In some ways, the Internet makes it easier for us to achieve this goal. There are more opportunities to reach our target market than ever before thanks to social media, search engines and online advertising.

But there’s also a lot more competition.

If you want to sell more, you need to stand out in the crowded online marketplace. That’s where digital branding comes in…

What Is Digital Branding?

Your brand is what makes your business unique. It’s your public image – how you want your audience to recognize you and what you want them to think when they do.

It’s there in everything you do – from the initial contact with a potential customer, right through to customer service.

Your digital branding is how this translates to the online world. It relates to how you communicate your brand message with your audience. 

How will you capture their attention – and how will you hold onto it once you do?

This is all about having a competitive edge. The Internet puts you closer than ever to your competitors so you need to give people a compelling reason to choose you instead.

It is a distinct concept from marketing, although the two are undoubtedly related. Branding isn’t about the process of selling to your customers directly, but communicating your brand values and messaging to them.

How Does Digital Branding Influence Sales?

The first way digital branding influences sales is by making people aware of your brand. People can’t buy from you if they don’t know you exist, right?

But, in this competitive climate, awareness isn’t enough.

If you want to capitalize on the increased brand awareness, you also need to build a meaningfulrelationship with the potential client.

You need to give them a reason to care.

One study, conducted by Havas, found North Americans would only care about 5% of brands if they were to disappear. This means people don’t care about 95% of the brands out there.

The same study also found meaningful brands generate bigger profits – outperforming the stock market by 134%.

When you get your digital branding right, it increases meaning and trust with your audience. In turn, this will make them care more about your brand – increasing sales and driving profits.

How to Maximize Your Digital Brand to Sell More Online

So, now you know what digital branding is and why it’s so important – how can you apply it to your business? Here are five tips to help you maximize your digital brand to get more sales:

1. Be authentic

If you want to stand out online, you need to stay true to your brand. Define your brand’s values and make sure they’re apparent in everything you put out online.

Don’t be afraid to show personality. It gets people’s attention and helps you make an impact in a sea of boring, faceless businesses.

2. Do what you say you’re going to do

Integrity is another key component of your digital brand.

Many businesses lose out because they fail to keep promises to their existing customers. Thanks to social media, there’s now nowhere to hide when things go wrong.

While mistakes are sometimes inevitable, aim to keep the promises you make to customers. Don’t say you’re going to do something if you’re unsure. And, when things don’t go to plan, admit your mistake, apologize, and do whatever you can to remedy the situation.

3. Stay consistent across all channels

Your brand image should be instantly recognizable with your customer base. Keep it consistent across all channels – online and offline – to maximize the impact of your personal brand.

4. Create a community to encourage brand loyalty

The online world is all about community.

Make your customers feel like a part of your brand. Invite them to share user-generated content, run competitions and link up your online activities with any offline events.

5. Focus on adding value

Your content is one of the most effective ways to build authority and trust with your audience.

But gone are the days of putting out any old rubbish.

If you want to strengthen your brand, focus on adding value to your customers at every opportunity. What are their biggest problems and how can you help solve them?

If you follow these tips – alongside a strong call to action – you’ll be well on your way to increasing sales with a strong digital brand.

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